Hedge Cost Update for FIA and RILA – April 2...

Hedge Cost Update for FIA and RILA products – 11-April 2024   FIA – 1 Year Here, we show the latest estimates of hedge costs of popular FIA designs.  The hedge costs were obtained using market data of Thursday, April...

Combining Floor and Buffer

Cost Synergies with bundling RILA Floor and RILA Buffer   Summary In this article, we suggest how insurers can save on hedging costs for RILA by taking advantage of the naturally synergistic relationship between RILA Buffer and RILA Floor product...

Using Strike Averaging to reduce hedging costs

Learn how to get extra savings in hedging costs for point-to-point cap payoffs using strike-averaging. This result applies only to FIAs that have point-to-point “capped” payoffs.  In this analysis, we show that buying one point-to-point hedge (call spread) at the...